Digital Bhaijan

Refund and Returns Policy

Within two hours of the package’s initial purchase, we issue reimbursements for the purchases.

The amount to be reimbursed will be reduced by a processing fee of 5% of the paid amount and a payment gateway fee of 2% of the paid amount.

After two hours from the time of purchase, under no circumstances will the consumer receive a refund for any packages purchased directly from the Digitalbhaijan website ( or through the affiliate link of the person who recommended him to the Digitalbhaijanwebsite.

You must send your request for a refund to in the format shown below, using your registered email address only.

Full Name

Registered Email ID

Screenshot of Payment with date and time (You received mail when you registered on the Digital Bhaijan website)

Reason for Refund

Note: No refund will be accepted if you provide any one of the above details or any misleading details.